Drummer: Ting “Pouting At” Yau

Captains Logbook, Written by “Jokey Joke-maker” CheungThe position of the drummer is often considered as the least important and the person who simply hits the drum. Here at the Windy Pandas, we consider it to be one of the most important positions on the boat. A drummer often can see the entire boat, a position only available to the drummer or the helm. They are in a unique position where they are able to take control of the team. Windy Pandas often have their drummer in assisting the team maintain their timing and technique throughout a race and this could mean the difference between winning and losing.

Ting “Pouting At” Yau
Generation One
Drummer/Now Leftie
2008 – Present
Tinka, as I call her, is a very old friend of mine from Nottingham. She moved down to London at a very similar time to me and so when the need for a drummer was needed, she was the one I had in mind. Loud, aggressive and passionate. Perfect.
She was the drummer that pushed the Pandas in its debut race at Bewl Water to achieve their first podium finish. She has continued to be the drummer in her second year and towards the end of 2009 season, started training as a paddler and never looked back. She is now an important member of the team and is also part of the Social Sec Committee. She will always be part of the original G1 crew and in my mind, one of the most passionate and dedicated Pandas.
A place in the Hall of Fame awaits..